Feels like a Zombie

23 04 2007

It’s been a roller coaster ride to get oriented by a rushing outgoing class. While the experience in itself was quite exhilarating I must confess that the week has given me a peek into how jumpy I can get…

Everybody wants everything. Hope touching the skylines.
Amidst abysmal opportunities disorientation starts running bananas. Right now I feel like the woman who thinks all that glitters is gold ..
..and all that can’t be seen does not exist. All words and statements seem to have many meanings.
Glorious nuances conveyed to all and a subtle suggestion which rings in the ears of those who dare to hear. Sometimes misgivings haunt while at others a wild fear of the unknown.
A bustle in the hedge sets an alarm. The meanest of sheep expect followers.
We dunk dudes in pools and minds in beer.
Knowledge is worn by some in a private pocket..
By some like a watch to be struck at every second glance from a disinterested onlooker
While silence haunts the light, the dark drifts into ounces of bodyrocking music
Drunk souls and minds drift from siesta to siesta
From motion to motion…