A walk down the alley

27 06 2006

Embracing the grey blue sky
clouds swim through the alleyway..
like hollow twigs on a meadering stream.
as cotton lumps do so light that they fly
and enter the mind of the passerby
who treads the alley
for a breif moment of soltitude.
the clouds leave from the other side..
..and along take all that was weighing
on the soul, the body and mind,
of the good times then they remind
as swiftly smoothly enter the passerby
all the clouds that are behind.
A drizzle brings back the scent of the soil
which marked the first rainy day kiss
how nervous they were..how it was bliss..
the breeze reminds of lost love
and swings the rain like a curtain
twisting and twirling it on the stage of life
showing some hiding some
Hiting the passerby as they fly…
..the rain, the winds and the clouds through the sky.